Amazing Facts april



Ø  The name for the month of April originally came for Aprilis which means to open.

Ø  April also only had 29 days, but a 30th day was added when Julius Caesar established the Julian calendar.

Ø  In the Southern Hemisphere, April is the seasonal equivalent to October.

Ø  The birthstone for April is the diamond.

Ø  The Jewish festival of Pescah, or Passover, is celebrated early in April.

Ø  The first battle of the Revolutionary War, Lexington, and Concord broke out on April 19, 1775.

Ø  Our first President George Washington was inaugurated on April 30, 1789.

Ø  April is Humor Month, so laugh it up!

Ø  April is also the month that the birds migrate north and settle down for the summer to mate.

Ø  On April 15, 1912, the famous Titanic ship hit an iceberg and sunk on her first 

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